My Burger Finale

I can’t believe this is my last Burger Blog post. At Mitzi’s request, this post will summarize my semester of burger blogging.

My favorite part of blogging is definitely the sharing. It’s nice to stake your claim as an authority on something, and the fact that my authority was burgers made for a fun semester. With regard to burgers, restaurants, or even food in general, everyone has an opinion, and it was really great interacting with people who also had thoughts about what burger places I should visit, recipes to try, and thoughts on my reviews.

Obviously, my biggest challenge was fitting in the time for the actual burger-eating. As a full-time employee at the University plus two courses this semester, it wasn’t exactly easy making time to go out to eat all the time. But all in all, I had a burger every two to three weeks, and I’d say that’s a reasonable amount for a one-semester blog. If I could go back and do something different, I would have (just as Mitzi recommended) make a broader topic area for my blog so that I had more request topics to post in between my actual burger eating.

As for the future, I’m definitely going to continue blogging! As a part of getting to know WordPress, I decided to experiment and start my own blog. I was full-speed-ahead with for the first few weeks, but as finals got underway, my schoolwork became priority and my blog posts stopped. With a busy holiday season coming up – including a move – I don’t imagine I’ll be posting much until after the New Year.

However, for anyone who may be interested, my personal blog is called, thelynnwithin: writing about the things i blab about. Catchy, I know. My current major topics of interest are my family and friends (loves), my hobbies and pastimes (toys), my trips and adventures (places), and of course, FOOD! Please feel free to check it out after this semester and leave comments for me.

A big thanks to Mitzi for teaching me two consecutive semesters of wonderful social media and digital strategy, and to all of my classmates for all the helpful interactions this semester. Best of luck to everyone in the program!


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